The Nary Curse - Chapter Two

Public officials-Political Candidates:
Their Accountability or Dereliction of duty in Nary Navy Case


Continued from previous page . . .

:Have the bad events in their public life been a coincidence, karma or their Curse?

US Navy sailor Steven Nary was born in Jackson, Mississippi; Senator Trent Lott, one of the US Senators from Mississppi, was asked to investigate the civil, human, military due processes in the sailor's case.But so far, Lott has done nothing.

Recently, Senator Trent Lott was deposed from his position as the majority leader of the US Senate. Was this a Coincidence or Bad Karma?

Trent Lott

At the time of Juan Pifarre's stalking, luring, drugging and rape of eighteen year old Steven Nary-who like Billy Budd, had never been in such a traumatic situation-Nary was then a legal resident of the state of Arkansas. Exercising his US native-born citizenship and military rights, sailor Nary petitioned Arkansas US Senator Tim Hutchinson to request a congressional investigation of the ongoing cover up of the violation of his rights.Senator Tim Hutchinson did virtually nothing to affirmatively assist and protect Nary's rights.

Tim Hutchinson

Instead, Hutchinson accepted the misinformation from a Captain W. L. Ritter, an assistant Navy JAG. In particular, Captain Ritter ignored the mandatory federal due process regulations

32 Code of Federal Regulations section 720.6-request from a Governor of the state, --there was none and Governor Wilson never requested that Nary be delivered to San Francisco be prosecuted by San Francisco District Attorney Hallinan

32 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 720: Service of process on a federal military reservation/base:

Title 32:

National Defense PART 720-DELIVERY OF PERSONNEL; SERVICE OF PROCESS AND SUBPOENAS; PRODUCTION OF OFFICIAL RECORDS Subpart B-Service of Process and Subpoenas Upon Personnel Browse Next § 720.20 Service of process upon personnel. (a) General. Commanding officers afloat and ashore may permit service of process of Federal or State courts upon members, civilian employees, dependents, or contractors residing at or located on a naval installation, if located within their commands. Service will not be made within the command without the commanding officer's consent. The intent of this provision is to protect against interference with mission accomplishment and to preserve good order and discipline, while not unnecessarily impeding the court's work. Where practical, the commanding officer shall require that the process be served in his presence, or in the presence of a designated officer. In all cases, individuals will be advised to seek legal counsel, either from a legal assistance attorney or from personal counsel for service in personal matters, and from Government counsel for service in official matters. The commanding officer is not required to act as a process server. The action required depends in part on the status of the individual requested and which State issued the process.

Ritter ignored District Attorney Terrance Hallinan's long relationship with Juan Pifarre Denial of medical care for the broken hand sustained in fighting off the male rape District Attorney Terrance Hallinan's long indisputable hostility towards and interferance with the federal military.

Ritter ignored the denial of medical information about Juan Pifarre disease status, AIDS/ HIV/ VD/ TB/ Hepatitis; Dr. Philip Dreisbach, Nary's physical and benefactor was also illegally denied this medical information in Pifarre's autopsy.

Ritter ignored the abusive conditions of confinment--since March 29, 1996, sailor Nary had been denied the federally mandated minimum one hour a day of outside exercise even in wintertime. For three and a half years, Hallianan, Sheriff Hennesey and their judges illegally denied sailor Nary this federal constitutional right, and defied th law when Nary tried to invoke his constitutional rights.

Ritter further ignored the local Prejudice towards the federal military i. e. "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is only one gross example. Captain W. L. Ritter also concealed the October 30 1996 JAG report "purported confession is of low evidentiary value…. etc." (Captain W. L. Ritter's fate is unknown at this time.)

Senator Tim Hutchinson also reportedly had his own personal sex scandal.

US Representative Marion Berry forwarded US Navy documents to Bruce Hotchkiss, Nary's San Francisco court appointed attorney-Public Defender Jeff Brown and George G. Walker were fired because they refused to fully investigate Pifarre's sexual predator background and history, File a change of venue to the federal district court, the proper venue in this situation.

Marion Berry

They aso refused to Investigate Pifarre's HIV/AIDS/ TB/ VD/ hepatitis medical status. On April fools day of 1996,Public Defender Jeff Brown permitted Pifarre's corpse to be burned; the ashes were dumped into the Richardson bay section of the San Francisco Bay/ Pacific Ocean. Note that Pifarre's family refused to return the apparent diseased corpse for burial in his native Argentina.

Although US Representative Marion Berry represented Nary, who was a legal resident of the1st Congressional District of Arkansas, Berry did more than Senator Tim Hutchinson. But despite being petitioned, Berry also has not requested a Congressional investigation in the Nary Navy case.

In 2004, Vernon Humphrey was the Republican Party's candidate for the Congressional district that Marion Berry had long represented in Congress. Vernon Humphrey was a US Army veteran, with an expertise in bio warfare. Since Humphrey like Nary was federal military, Humphrey knew or should have known about the Code of Federal Regulations and Hallinan's violations of that code.However Vernon Humphrey refused to even raise the abuse issues and gross violations of a fellow G. I. In the 2004 national election, Humphrey was defeated over two to one vote-Coincidence or Bad Karma?

Jim Holt

Jim Holt was the Republican US Senate candidate challenging Senator Blanche Lincoln in the 2004 national election. The same petition was brought to Holt but he apparently ignored it. Senator Blanche Lincoln defeated Holt.Now Blanche Lincoln's name is being floated for the Democratic Party's 2008 Presidential candidacy.

Blanche Lincoln & Family

Nary petitioned Senator Blanche Lincoln through Steve Patterson, one of her aides. Sailor Nary has not received any response from his US Senate representatives including Mark Pryor.

Mark Pryor

Since Pryor has been in the US Senate, to date, his office has not responded to his constituent's petition for a congressional investigation of the now ten year old cover up, concealment of evidence, fabrication of evidence, intimidation of witnesses and other harassment by the perpetrators in the NaryUS Navy, the Clyde Woods( US Marine veteran) and related cases, where corrupt California district attorneys, judges and lawyers have ignored constitutional rights and conditions of confinment violations.


See Chapter 1 of Nary Curse!

See Chapter 3 of Nary Curse!


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