The Nary Curse - Chapter Three



Continued from previous page . . .

:Despite being petitioned by credible US citizens, credible activists and credible military veterans, among the biggest shocks in the ten-year-old Nary US Navy case is the failure US Congressmen and women to call for an investigation into the ongoing cover ups in this US Navy Male Tail hook case.

Until he was convicted in a federal court of an assortment of public corruption charges, Randy "Duke" Cunningham represented the 50th Congressional District in California. The "Duke" is also a decorated US Navy veteran, who served honorably in the Viet Nam War.

Randy Cunningham

The 50th congressional district covers San Diego, a part of California, which still has major US Navy and other federal military facilities. Many military veterans also retire in this area of Southern California. Supporters of military due process, civil and human rights were surprised that Representative Cunningham displayed a cold heart turned a "blind eye and a deaf ear to the pleas of a fellow G. I.

Was Duke Cunningham's fall from grace, political power and prestige a coincidence, Karma or another political fatality in the nary curse?

See Chapter 1 of Nary Curse

See Chapter 2 of Nary Curse


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