Judicial Sodomites


James L. Warren -

James L. Warren is the gay grandson of the late US Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren. Earl Warren had a reputation for his liberal civil rights decisions for both civilians and US military personnel; whose decision still stands.

Like the Hearst San Francisco Examiner, which once stood up for the rights of US military personnel (i.e. veterans benefits), James L. Warren has regressed his family’s reputation when he participated in the violation of his oath to uphold all of the laws of the US. And he then participated several times during the three-and-a-half years in the usurptation of clearly stated Federal law, which has always stated that "local civilian authorities must have proper permission, applied for in proper form and in a proper time."

Warren jr. as well as the rest of these local judicial sodomites, ignored this Federal and Supreme Court rule (i.e. the 1876 Tarbell case, Jennings v Markley (1960) and the more recent Perpich v US Dept of Defense ( 1984))

Warren presided in Los Angeles in the Lesbian Dog Bite Death Case, which is definitely a civil liablity case with big liability for the two defendants. who failed to keep a dangerous animal under control and probably off the premises of an apartment building. But second degree murder?

Clerk- Jose Rios-Merida
Reporter Christina Paxton #1558
Clerk- Augusto Salas
Reporter Loretta Najera #5153



Robert Dondero -

Robert Dondero was one of the assignment judges in this judicial sodomy of Steve Nary. When the clerk of the state supreme court ordered that the "judge in this case be served at that time," 'service' couldn't be made upon Dondero in his courtroom because of the warning from other ethical court personnel--"don't leave any process etc. in those courtrooms because you can't trust those gay/ lesbian clerks. Because Dondero didn't have a private office like a few judges, the process papers were mailed certified to Dondero's house. Dondero took offense, and apparently filed a false police report, which is now known as the 'Dondero stalk.' Or serving a judge at his home by mail! Dondero apparently sicced a San Francisco Police Inspector on Peter Paul ( Verzola), in a telephone call, the police inspector told Peter Paul that " you are accused of stalking Dondero. Peter Paul informed the Inspector that (a) he was ordered to serve Dondero (b) Service on Dondero in his courtroom could be done (c) Dondero had no known seperate office (d) service by mail guarantee was done at his home, and that further, Dondero was so stupid and arrogant that he was worth spending a gallon of gas on!"

Clerk - Alice Redmond
Reporter - Sara Lerschen #6213



Philip Moscone

Philip Moscone is the cousin of George Moscone, the San Francisco mayor who was assassinated along with Harvey Milk in 1978. When Steven Nary's process server tried to serve Judge Philip Moscone with the Notice of Removal of the Case to Federal Court, Elizabeth Monti (Moscone's clerk) refused service saying, "Get out of here. Nobody wants this case." Nevertheless, she was served.

Clerk - Elizabeth Monti



Kevin Vincent Ryan

Kevin Vincent Ryan is a name that sank to the level of Judge Roy Bean and Roland Freisler and Andrei Vichinsky.

‘Bean’ was the wild west judge who thought and acted like he was not only the judge, but also jury, jailer and executioner. Roland Freisler was ‘Hitler’s hangman in the notorious 1944 trial of the survivors of the unsuccessful plot to remove Hitler. Ryan and Freisler share some interesting characteristics; both posed as the political opposities of what they really were. Freisler was a radical socialist, but even though Hitler never trusted him, he used Freisler and his Peoples Court to do the dirtiest and most egregious judicial sodomizing of the opponents of the Nazi regime. Ryan poses as a ‘Republican,’ however all of his major supporters, including the faxers of his endorsment for judicial seat 8, were (and are) left wing lavender democrats, who are involved in much political and sexual-preferance agenda corruption.

Ryan, in the same manner of Roland Freisler, rigged the illegal proceeding of Steve Nary but didn’t engage in the yelling and screaming that Freisler did. We suggest that you view old Nazi news clips--the Veritas Historical audio/ visual Archives is currently cataloging its collection. While we do not wish the following on Ryan, near the end of World War two, while presiding over another rigged trial, a bomb from an Allied Air Force plane, fell directly on Freisler’s courtroom and blew him to hell.

Clerk- Gia P. Espinocilla
Reporter - Donna Costello #2794
Clerk - Esteban Espiritu Jr.
Reporter Loretta Najera #5153
Bailiff Sheriff’s Deputy - Lois Baty, R. Hernandez
Reporter Diana Padilla #9975



Ann Bouilane

Ann Bouilane & her (then) 'partner' activist Angela Bradstreet had their $807,000 mortgage paid off by James C. Hormel. Hormel illegally concealed this real estate transaction from his federal ethics disclosure statement at the time he was applying for a federal ambassadorship to Luxemborg. Bouilane was one of the local state court judges in the case 'State v Nary (US Navy) case.. Despite being put on certified notice by Mrs. Edith Nary, Steven's mother, Bouilane refused to allow Steven Nary access to the mandatory fresh air, sunlight and outside exercise for a mnimum of one hour a day.

Clerk - Mark Culkins
Reporter - Joann Prior #9129
Clerk - Ernie Arndt
Reporter - Anthony Vaughn #6185



Lenard Louie

In the Nary case, the late Lenard Louie issued an unprecedented $2 miliion warrant but failed or refused to first get Governor Pete Wilson’s permission to seek the Secretary of the Navy’s permission to remove US Sailor Steven Nary from armed locked confinement aboard the USS Carl Vinson. The Carl Vinson is, and was, federal property.

Both Douglas Munson, and Ann Bouilane were put on certified notice of their violation of Steven Nary’s cruel and unusual punishment by their refusal to grant him mandatory access to outside fresh air, sunlight and exercise at least five times a week, for a minimum of one hour a day.

Clerk - Ernie Arndt
Reporter - Connie Mihos #7391
Clerk - Beverly Haywood



Lee Baxter

Lee Baxter was one of the two judges, Robert Dondero was the other, who denied the mandatory habeas corpus hearing for Steve Nary, and denied him federally mandated access to outside fresh air, sunlight and outside exercise for a minimun of five days a week, one hour per day. Baxter is part of the body count--she suddenly resigned from her judicial seat as soon as this case was transfered to Moscone and Ryan.

Clerk - no clerk identifed
Reporter - Lavena Ward #7077
Clerk - Ernie Arndt
Reporter - Elvira Leanos #4994



Clerk - Esther Berick
Clerk - James Baubel
Reporter - Estallar Bruihl #3077
Reporter - Diana Chen #11312
Reporter - David Davenport #1694
Reporter - Cynthia Marcopulo #4749
Reporter - Carl Sauceda #2031
Reporter - Martin Sharp #1005