August 14, 1998: Nary's Legal Liaision/Investigator learned that Mayor Willie Brown, Federal Region 9 HUD director Art Agnos,lesbian activist Susan Leal, Mission Housing Development Mafia and other political flotsam had rigged a ten million HUD-subsidized real estate deal to construct a building at 1010 South Van Ness in San Francisco. They named the building PIFARRE PLAZA.

Critics and opponents of the project renamed the building 'Maricon Mall', with "maricon" being a Spanish slang word for "lowlife sexual predator."

Agnos, Brown, and the other poverty profiteers, also concealed from the American taxpayers, the set-up of an illegal and secret limited real estate partnership, which in time, unless revoked by proper authorities, will enable the pushers of the project to own it outright. In effect, a non-profit organization will provide profits for its investors.

The Mission Housing Development Mafia and other syndicate operators such as Jane Graf and Robert A. Crooks (these are real people) by using taxpayers' monies through HUD, have set up similar real estate racketeering deals in California.


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