The Nazi's "Dr. Death" and his Connection to Argentina and San Francisco, California.

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In the publicized history of World War Two, some of the horrors inflicted upon Allied and American POWs included:
  • The Battan Corregidor Death March, !941
  • The Massacre at Malmady during the Battle of the Bulge 1944
  • Murkden Manchuria: The Japanese Army "Doctor of Death" Major Ishi who abused, tortured, and experimented upon Allied POWs

The world also learned about Dr. Josef Mengele (at left) as the most notorious Nazi medical doctor. He practiced his black medical arts at Auschwitz.

But little was publicized about the activities of  Dr. Mengele's other compatriot, the notorious Dr. Albert Heim, who is believed to be alive and hiding in either Argentina or Chile.

Like Dr. Mengele, Heim apparently fled to South America, probably entering through Argentina. Argentina's President, Juan Peron, openly supported Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo during WWII.

Another notorious Nazi who fled to Argentina was Col. Adolph Eichman (below), who, in 1950, concealed himself under the name "Ricardo Klement".


The world awaits the resolution/capture of the Dr. Albert Heim (at left), who is believed to be one of the last living Nazi war criminals.  Among the little known aspects of this Nazi's life is his abuse, torture, and murder of American and British POWS while he was a major functionary at the notorioius Malthusen Concentration Camp in Austria.

It is an indisputable fact that before the collapse of the Third Reich, the Nazis shipped the loot, artwork, sculpture, gold, and other valutables to be laundered in friendly banks around the world. In every Nazi-occupied country, they seized and stole assets with equal impunity from aristocrats, athesists, Catholics, Protestants, Gypsies and Jews. Argentina was one of the Nazi offshore financial havens.

In the late 1980s David G. Fowler, a media maven and federal government consultant, began investigating suspected South Americans who came legally and illegally to Northern California and San Francisco.

Fowler referred to these suspects as "Neo Nazi sympathizers." The Federal government, US Department of Justice, and other investigators, had issued a list of countries whose banks were suspected of holding assets stolen by the Nazis. Among those countries were Argentina and Canada.

Heirs of Nazi victims, who had their assets stolen by the Nazis, are still searching for those assets which apparently have been well-laundered and hidden to this day.

The Pifarre family connection to the
Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires was suspect. The Pifarre family sat on the Bank's Board of Directors. The Bank itself  is suspected of being one of the repositories of Nazi loot.

The late Juan Pifarre, a member of the family, was a financial analyst. Although living in the USA he kept his Argentine citizenship.  To make sure he could stay in America he contracted a  bogus marriage to a suspected lesbian activist, Sharon Gold Martinas.   With an anchor in both countries he managed to travel back and forth to South America where he was suspected of laundering money stolen from Federal programs in Northern California.

Mission Housing Development, one of the sham non-profits connected to Pifarre,  received millions of federal affordable housing/HUD dollars.

Through their association with Juan Pifarre Mission Housing changed their by-laws so that they could operate outside of the US. This by-law change made no sense because Mission Housing Development touted itself as a San Francisco local Affordable Housing Developer. They weren't developing affordable housing in South America or anyplace else.

Given the Neo Nazi sympathy and the Nazi safe refuge in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Paraguay, for Nazi war criminals, the unanswered questions are:

  • "Where did the fugitive Nazis bank?"
  • "How did they get their money to survive and live well?"

Were German companies (such as the Mengele Farm Machinery Works that did business in South America) using these South American Banks to launder assets that were stolen from Europeans?  How did Dr. Mengele survive when he lived in Argentina and elsewhere in South America?

See page 2 . . .

Note:  In German history, the name " Dr. Albert Heim" is associated with the survival of the Swiss Mountain dogs, known as the other Swiss Dog, the Saint Bernard.  It isn't known whether or not the Nazi Dr. Albert Heim is related to the other "Dr. Albert Heim."

Also visit these webpages:

Dr. Josef Mengele

Veterans for Constitutional Law

SOLDIERS AND SLAVES: American POWs Trapped by the Nazis Final Gamble

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