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I Didn't Raise My Boy to be a Soldier:


US Navy Sailor Steven Nary is now entering 16th year of incarceration from San Francisco Court conviction based on forged federal military documents:  32 Code of Federal Regulations ss 720.6

This forged federal military delivery document was executed by Peter Cling, an employee of San Francisco District Attorney Terrance Hallinan.

3 1/2 years of abuse in Sheriff Michael Hennesy's jail: This 18 year-old sailor was denied medical care for the broken hand he sustained while fighting off an AIDS- contaminated illegal alien homosexual rapist.

Juan Pifare, the homosexual rapist, was a longtime politcal supporter and beneficiary of (then San Francisco DA) Terrance Hallinan

The 18 year-old sailor was denied access to Juan Pifarre's AIDS's results.

The18 year-old sailor was illegally denied access to mandatory outside fresh air, sunlight and exercise as mandated in Federal 8th ammendment constitutional due process requirements for both civilian and military detainees.

Sheriff Hennesey accepted and signed for the US Navy mail sent by green certified return signed receipt. He destoryed that US Navy letter.

Sheriff Hennesey illegally transported sailor to San Quinten Prison in another county in defiance of a habeas corpus previously filed in the 9th Circuit Federal District Court in San Francisco.


Peter Verzola is also on BlogTalkRadio

This week's Blog Talk Agenda for Monday, July 11, 2011:


"Some of the things you wanted to know--especially in the wake of the Casey Anthony trial--but didn't know where to look, who or how to ask."

The experience of Peter Paul Verzola--special investigator/ legal researcher-clerk who does 7th federal Courthouse--9th federal circuit legal research. Over 2,500 cases reseached: US- Federal, Military. Canadian Cases Researched. Federal: Tokyo Rose (Rose D' Aquino), and the Rosenberg Atomic bomb theft trial. In addtition: Mooney Longshoreman in San Francisco. The Al Capone jury tampering trial, and the John Gotti-Gene Gotti jury tampering trial.

Witnessed: US Navy sailor Steven Nary case involving Judge Kevin Ryan & John Farrell  jury tampering involvment in San Francisco.

The definition of Anoymous Jury.

Corrupt media involved in rigged trials

Warning about foreclosed homes sold on the internet.

July 11th Historical births deaths and Events relevant to USA.


All shows are archived for your listening pleasure.  To listen live, or view archive, click on the"New Shadow"

This week's Blog Talk Agenda for Monday, Feb 7, 2011:

Juan William's The Man from Panama: His latest controversy. Williams was born in Panama. Did he become a US Citizen?  If so when? Williams criticized Americans who questioned Obama's Birth Certification in Hawaii.

Redevelopment Agency's relevance--The Redevelopment Real Estate Racketeering in San Francisco--A lesson.

Update: Egypt's relationship to enhanced interogation of Terrorists.

Political facts, frauds, & fictions.

February 7th important historical births, deaths, & events and their relevance to today's events.

Political and medical inventions.

Later in February: Interview with Patrick Butler, a real Chicago Political Journalist.


This week's Blog Talk Agenda for February 4, 2011:

**Toll free call in number: 1-347-633-9620**


Does Hosni Mubarak use a political decoy?  What other famous public figures used doubles or political decoys?

The final segment of General Douglas Macarthur's military farwell oratory to Congress: That speech's relevance to today's world crises.

Will the West use military-poliitcal force to prevent the closure of the Suez Canal if the Moslem Brotherhood seizes power in Egypt? A replay of the British-French-Israeli Suez Canal campaign.

February 4th History's famous births death & Events--their relevance to today's events.

Political facts frauds & fictions

Interview: Wolf-Dog Veterinarian Dr. Michael Fox.

Future guests: Patrick Butler--Chicago's best political and history real journalist.

Updated: youtube videos go to Amicusveritas youtube


___Recent guests: 

Al Santoli: Disabled Vietnam vet, founder of the American Asia Initiative.

Richard Bodisco: his family was involved in the US purchase of Alaska
Patrick Butler, real journalist  covering Illinois poliitics for last forty years
Judi MaclLeod  Canadian Journalist covering American Canadian issues

Brigadier Ingall:-Last Commander of the Bengal Lancers. His 30 years experience in India-Pakistan-Afghanistan

Col. Hodge--Last British American survivor of Gallipoli

Barbara Coe--American civic activist volunteer working tirelessly on the illegal alien and economic migrant problem

Call in number: 1-347-633-9620

All prior New Shadow broadcasts are archived and can be downloaded to listen, inform, and enjoy at your leisure.