Public Corruption Watch


During the early 1990s, the late Juan Pifarre, in his capacity as a financial analyst and banker, also set up a mysterious entity called "The MISSION ARMORY FOUNDATION'.

This bogus non-profit was set up to acquire surplus California state military property such as San Francisco's Mission Armory.

The Armory is a three-story block-long building, which was supposedly given by the state of Calfornia to the City and county of San Francisco to house the homeless.

Although the City of San Francisco was supposed to receive the title and ownership of the Mission Armory, through mysterious manipulations in the California State Capitol, San Francisco's Mission Armory ended up in the ownership of individuals. One owner/individual, Istavan "Steven" Masa owes at least $8,000 in back child support to Solano County, Calfornia. How this deadbeat dad could afford to purchase, or acquire, a block-long building in San Francisco remains as big a mystery as he is.

Surveillance photos also exposed Sheriff Michael Hennesey's use of the Mission Armory to store his San Francisco Sheriff Department's vehicles. Among the vehicles photographed were Sheriff's vans and Mercedes cars.

Among the cover-ups in the Mission Armory case is the un-encapsulated asbestos contamination. According to political intelligence sources, the State of California dispensed a million dollars a year to the Brown-Agnos Administrations to deal with the Mission Armory's asbestos problem. No one knows what (the then) Mayor Willie Brown did with that money.

Finally, because of the existence of untreated asbestos in the Armory, the City faces environmental health issues of contamination to drivers etc. who were in the Mission Armory handling Sheriff Hennesey's vehicles. Were these employees of Hennesey contaminated with asbestos? And were they aware of the presence of asbestos in the building?

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